28 research outputs found

    Early Geometrical Thinking in the Environment of Patterns, Mosaics and Isometries

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    This book discusses the learning and teaching of geometry, with a special focus on kindergarten and primary education. It examines important new trends and developments in research and practice, and emphasizes theoretical, empirical and developmental issues. Further, it discusses various topics, including curriculum studies and implementation, spatial abilities and geometric reasoning, as well as the psychological roots of geometrical thinking and teacher preparation in geometry education. It considers these issues from historical, epistemological, cognitive semiotic and educational points of view in the context of students' difficulties and the design of teaching and curricula

    Psychological and didactic approaches in technology : technical drawing as an example

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    A la différence d'autres objets d'enseignement du champ technologique, le dessin technique bénéficie d'une tradition de recherche déjà longue. Cet article évoque d'abord les principales étapes de cette histoire qui ont conduit à concevoir l'activité de lecture du dessin comme résultant de la maîtrise progressive et solidaire de trois champs conceptuels: géométrique, sémiologique et technologique. Ensuite, au plan didactique, une approche psychologique des compétences spatiales initiales des apprenants et une analyse fonctionnelle du code de représentation analogique des formes et dimensions propres au dessin technique sont présentées comme pouvant contribuer à l'élaboration de savoirs à enseigner. A titre d'illustration, quelques propositions issues d'une progression destinée à une formation à la communication technique sont détaillée

    Graphic tools for technical communication : analyzing how they are taught and learned

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    A l'aide d'une modélisation psychologique des situations d'utilisation d'instruments de communication et de représentation techniques, on s'interroge sur les difficultés que posent l'enseignement et l'apprentissage de trois graphismes techniques : le schéma cinématique, le Grafcet et le dessin technique. Des situations de formation sont examinées en fonction des différentes interactions possibles dans les situations de communication de référence entre les sujets interlocuteurs, l'instrument sémiotique ainsi que le référent et la tâche concernés. Des propositions cherchant à favoriser un enseignement centré sur la fonctionnalité et la générativité de l'instrument pour l'élève sont formulée

    A critical orientation to numeracy across the curriculum

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    Numeracy is a fundamental component of the Australian Curriculum as a General Capability in each subject. Here, we report on an aspect of a larger project that aims to provide insight into how teachers can assist their students to develop a critical orientation to life-related situations through a cross-curricular approach to numeracy. Specifically, we draw on data collected via lesson observations and semi-structured teacher interviews exploring the use of mathematics in a critical fashion within the teaching of two subjects outside of mathematics—English and social education. Our investigation revealed that attention to the details of a rich model of numeracy can support the framing of such activities but that time, experience, and initial intent for the learning activity are factors which shape the effectiveness of teachers as designers of such tasks, especially in relation to a critical orientation to numeracy

    O uso das TIC no trabalho de professores universitários de língua inglesa The ICT use in the work of English language professors

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    Este artigo apresenta as representações sobre o tipo de trabalho que docentes universitários de Língua Inglesa consideram realizar com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) em sala de aula. Os aportes teórico-metodológicos estão embasados no Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo de Bronckart (2007; 2008), nas concepções de trabalho desenvolvidas pela Clínica da Atividade e Ergonomia e nas características de trabalho de Machado (2010). Participaram do estudo seis docentes universitários de Língua Inglesa que utilizam as TIC no trabalho. Os dados foram gerados via internet, via e-mails e Moodle. Cada participante produziu um texto em que relatou os usos que faria dessas ferramentas. Os resultados indicam que os docentes fazem usos semelhantes das ferramentas e que há impedimentos no uso das TIC para os docentes da universidade pública.<br>This article presents representations about the kind of work that university professors hope to achieve when using Information & Communications Technology (ICT) in the classroom. The theoretical background is based on Socio-discursive Interactionism, theories about work as developed in Clinical Activity and Ergonomics and in the characteristics of work proposed by Machado (2010). Six English language professors that use ICT at work participated in the research project. Data were collected via internet, through e-mail or Moodle. Each participant provided a text on their experiences and the use of ICT. The results indicate that university professors use the ICT in the same way, butsome restrictions to this matter are appointed by public university professors